Source code for mcalf.profiles.voigt

import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import IntegrationWarning, quad, quad_vec

# Load the C library
import os.path
from pathlib import Path
import ctypes
# # Commands to manually generate
# gcc -Wall -fPIC -c voigt.c
# gcc -shared -o voigt.o
dllabspath = Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))  # Path to libraries directory
    libfile = [str(i) for i in dllabspath.glob('ext_voigtlib.*.so')][0]  # Select first (and only) library
    lib = ctypes.CDLL(libfile)  # Load the library
    lib.func.restype = ctypes.c_double  # Specify the expected result type
    lib.func.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_double)  # Specify the type of the input parameters
    cvoigt = lib.func  # Create alias for the specific function used in functions below
except IndexError:  # File does not exist
    warnings.warn("Could not locate the external C library. Further use of `clib` will fail!")

# does not support clib (force clib=False)
import os
not_on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS') != 'True'
rtd = {}
if not not_on_rtd:  # Reduce computation time (and accuracy) of no clib version
    rtd = {'epsabs': 1.49e-1, 'epsrel': 1.49e-4}

# Parameters for `voigt_approx_nobg` and other approx. Voigt functions
params = np.array([[-1.2150, -1.3509, -1.2150, -1.3509],
                   [1.2359, 0.3786, -1.2359, -0.3786],
                   [-0.3085, 0.5906, -0.3085, 0.5906],
                   [0.0210, -1.1858, -0.0210, 1.1858]])
sqrt_ln2 = np.sqrt(np.log(2))
sqrt_pi = np.sqrt(np.pi)
A, B, C, D = params

__all__ = ['voigt_approx_nobg', 'voigt_approx', 'double_voigt_approx_nobg', 'double_voigt_approx',
           'voigt_nobg', 'voigt', 'double_voigt_nobg', 'double_voigt']

[docs]def voigt_approx_nobg(x, a, b, s, g): """Voigt function (efficient approximation) with no background (Base approx. Voigt function). This is the base for all other approximated Voigt functions. Not implemented in any models yet as initial tests exhibited slow convergence. Parameters ---------- ${SINGLE_VOIGT} ${EXTRA_APPROX} """ fwhm_g = 2 * s * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) fwhm_l = 2 * g xx = (x - b) * 2 * sqrt_ln2 / fwhm_g xx = xx[..., np.newaxis] yy = fwhm_l * sqrt_ln2 / fwhm_g yy = yy[..., np.newaxis] v = np.sum((C * (yy - A) + D * (xx - B)) / ((yy - A) ** 2 + (xx - B) ** 2), axis=-1) return fwhm_l * a * sqrt_pi / fwhm_g * v
[docs]def voigt_approx(x, a, b, s, g, d): """Voigt function (efficient approximation) with background. Parameters ---------- ${SINGLE_VOIGT} ${BACKGROUND} ${EXTRA_APPROX} """ return voigt_approx_nobg(x, a, b, s, g) + d
[docs]def double_voigt_approx_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, a2, b2, s2, g2): """Double Voigt function (efficient approximation) with no background. Parameters ---------- ${DOUBLE_VOIGT} ${EXTRA_APPROX} """ return voigt_approx_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1) + voigt_approx_nobg(x, a2, b2, s2, g2)
[docs]def double_voigt_approx(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, a2, b2, s2, g2, d): """Double Voigt function (efficient approximation) with background. Parameters ---------- ${DOUBLE_VOIGT} ${BACKGROUND} ${EXTRA_APPROX} """ return voigt_approx_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1) + voigt_approx_nobg(x, a2, b2, s2, g2) + d
[docs]def voigt_nobg(x, a, b, s, g, clib=True): """Voigt function with no background (Base Voigt function). This is the base of all the other Voigt functions. Parameters ---------- ${SINGLE_VOIGT} ${CLIB} ${EXTRA_STD} """ warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=IntegrationWarning) u = x - b if clib and not_on_rtd: i = [quad(cvoigt, -np.inf, np.inf, args=(v, s, g), epsabs=1.49e-1, epsrel=1.49e-4)[0] for v in u] else: i = quad_vec(lambda y: np.exp(-y**2 / (2 * s**2)) / (g**2 + (u - y)**2), -np.inf, np.inf, **rtd)[0] const = g / (s * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi**3)) return a * const * np.array(i)
[docs]def voigt(x, a, b, s, g, d, clib=True): """Voigt function with background. Parameters ---------- ${SINGLE_VOIGT} ${BACKGROUND} ${CLIB} ${EXTRA_STD} """ return voigt_nobg(x, a, b, s, g, clib) + d
[docs]def double_voigt_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, a2, b2, s2, g2, clib=True): """Double Voigt function with no background. Parameters ---------- ${DOUBLE_VOIGT} ${CLIB} ${EXTRA_STD} """ return voigt_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, clib) + voigt_nobg(x, a2, b2, s2, g2, clib)
[docs]def double_voigt(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, a2, b2, s2, g2, d, clib=True): """Double Voigt function with background. Parameters ---------- ${DOUBLE_VOIGT} ${BACKGROUND} ${CLIB} ${EXTRA_STD} """ return double_voigt_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, a2, b2, s2, g2, clib) + d
# Define "Parameters" options __input_x = """ x : numpy.ndarray Wavelengths to evaluate Voigt function at.""" __single_voigt = __input_x + """ a : float Amplitude of the Lorentzian. b : float Central line core. s : float Sigma (for Gaussian). g : float Gamma (for Lorentzian).""" __double_voigt = __input_x + """ a1 : float Amplitude of 1st Voigt function. b1 : float Central line core of 1st Voigt function. s1 : float Sigma (for Gaussian) of 1st Voigt function. g1 : float Gamma (for Lorentzian) of 1st Voigt function. a2 : float Amplitude of 2nd Voigt function. b2 : float Central line core of 2nd Voigt function. s2 : float Sigma (for Gaussian) of 2nd Voigt function. g2 : float Gamma (for Lorentzian) of 2nd Voigt function.""" __background = """ d : float Background.""" __clib = """ clib : bool, optional, default=True Whether to use the complied C library or a slower Python version. If using the C library, the accuracy of the integration is reduced to give the code a significant speed boost. Python version can be used when speed is not a priority. Python version will remove deviations that are sometimes present around the wings due to the reduced accuracy.""" # Define "Returns" __returns = """ Returns ------- result : numpy.ndarray, shape=`x.shape` The value of the Voigt function here. """ # Define "Notes" (and "References") section __notes_approx = """ Notes ----- This algorithm is taken from A. B. McLean et al. [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] A. B. McLean, C. E. J. Mitchell and D. M. Swanston, "Implementation of an efficient analytical approximation to the Voigt function for photoemission lineshape analysis," Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, vol. 69, pp. 125-132, 1994.""" __notes_std = """ Notes ----- More information on the Voigt function can be found here:""" # Define special "See Also" options __see_also_approx = [ ' voigt_approx_nobg : Base approximated Voigt function with no background.', ' voigt_approx : Approximated Voigt function with background added.', ' double_voigt_approx_nobg : Two approximated Voigt functions added together.', ' double_voigt_approx : Two approximated Voigt functions and a background added together.', ] __see_also_std = [ ' voigt_nobg : Base Voigt function with no background.', ' voigt : Voigt function with background added.', ' double_voigt_nobg : Two Voigt functions added together.', ' double_voigt : Two Voigt function and a background added together.', ] # Extract the function name for easy exclusion of item __see_also_approx = [(i.split(':')[0].strip(), i) for i in __see_also_approx] __see_also_std = [(i.split(':')[0].strip(), i) for i in __see_also_std] __see_also = __see_also_approx + __see_also_std def __rm_self(func, items): """Return the "See Also" section with the current function removed.""" ret = [i[1] for i in items if i[0] != func] return 'See Also\n --------\n ' + '\n'.join(ret).lstrip() + '\n' def __extra_approx(func): """Merge common approx functions sections.""" return __returns + __rm_self(func.__name__, __see_also) + __notes_approx def __extra_std(func): """Merge common standard functions sections.""" return __returns + __rm_self(func.__name__, __see_also_std) + __notes_std for f in [voigt_approx_nobg, voigt_approx, double_voigt_approx_nobg, double_voigt_approx, voigt_nobg, voigt, double_voigt_nobg, double_voigt]: f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${SINGLE_VOIGT}', __single_voigt.lstrip()) f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${DOUBLE_VOIGT}', __double_voigt.lstrip()) f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${BACKGROUND}', __background.lstrip()) f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${CLIB}', __clib.lstrip()) f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${EXTRA_APPROX}', __extra_approx(f).lstrip()) f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${EXTRA_STD}', __extra_std(f).lstrip()) del __input_x del __single_voigt del __double_voigt del __background del __clib del __returns del __notes_approx del __notes_std del __see_also_approx del __see_also_std del __see_also del __rm_self del __extra_approx del __extra_std