Labelling Tutorial

This Jupyter notebook provides a simple, semi-automated, method to produce a ground truth data set that can be used to train a neural network for use as a spectral shape classifier in the MCALF package. The following code can be adapted depending on the number of classifications that you want.

Download LabellingTutorial.ipynb

Load the required packages

[ ]:
import mcalf.models
from mcalf.utils.spec import normalise_spectrum
import requests
import numpy as np
from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Download sample data

[ ]:
path = ''

for file in ('wavelengths.txt', 'spectra.fits'):
    r = requests.get(path + file, allow_redirects=True)
    with open(file, 'wb') as f:

Load data files

[ ]:
wavelengths = np.loadtxt('wavelengths.txt')  # Original wavelengths

with'spectra.fits') as hdul:  # Raw spectral data
    datacube = np.asarray(hdul[0].data, dtype=np.float64)

Initialise the model that will use the labelled data

[ ]:
model = mcalf.models.IBIS8542Model(original_wavelengths=wavelengths)

Select the spectra to label

[ ]:
n_points = 50

flat_choice = np.random.choice(np.arange(datacube[0].size), n_points, replace=False)
i_points, j_points = np.unravel_index(flat_choice, datacube[0].shape)'labelled_points.npy', np.array([i_points, j_points]))
[ ]:
i_points, j_points = np.load('labelled_points.npy')

Select the spectra to label from the data file

[ ]:
raw_spectra = datacube[:, i_points, j_points].T

Normalise each spectrum to be in range [0, 1]

[ ]:
labelled_spectra = np.empty((len(raw_spectra), len(model.constant_wavelengths)))
for i in range(len(labelled_spectra)):
    labelled_spectra[i] = normalise_spectrum(raw_spectra[i], model=model)

Script to semi-automate the classification process

  • Type a number 0 - 4 for assign a classification to the plotted spectrum

  • Type 5 to skip and move on to the next spectrum

  • Type back to move to the previous spectrum

  • Type exit to give up (keeping ones already done)

The labels are present in the labels variable (-1 represents an unclassified spectrum)

[ ]:
labels = np.full(len(labelled_spectra), -1, dtype=int)
i = 0
while i < len(labelled_spectra):

    # Show the spectrum to be classified along with description
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))
    print("i = {}".format(i))
    print("absorption --- both --- emission / skip")
    print("       0    1    2    3    4         5 ")

    # Ask for user's classification
    classification = input('Type [0-4]:')

    try:  # Must be an integer
        classification_int = int(classification)
    except ValueError:
        classification_int = -1  # Try current spectrum again

    if classification == 'back':
        i -= 1  # Go back to the previous spectrum
    elif classification == 'exit':
        break  # Exit the loop, saving labels that were given
    elif 0 <= classification_int <= 4:  # Valid classification
        labels[i] = int(classification)  # Assign the classification to the spectrum
        i += 1  # Move on to the next spectrum
    elif classification_int == 5:
        i += 1  # Skip and move on to the next spectrum
    else:  # Invalid integer classification
        i += 0  # Try current spectrum again

Plot bar chart of classification populations

[ ]:
unique, counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
plt.figure(), counts)
plt.title('Number of spectra in each classification')

Overplot the spectra of each classification

[ ]:
for classification in unique:
    for spectrum in labelled_spectra[labels == classification]:
        plt.plot(model.constant_wavelengths, spectrum)
    plt.title('Classification {}'.format(classification))
    plt.yticks([0, 1])

Save the labelled spectra for use later

[ ]:'labelled_data.npy', labelled_spectra)'labels.npy', labels)