Source code for mcalf.visualisation.spec

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from mcalf.profiles.voigt import double_voigt, voigt
from mcalf.utils.plot import hide_existing_labels
from mcalf.utils.spec import reinterpolate_spectrum

__all__ = ['plot_ibis8542', 'plot_spectrum']

[docs]def plot_ibis8542(wavelengths, spectrum, fit=None, background=0, sigma=None, sigma_scale=70, stationary_line_core=None, subtraction=False, separate=False, show_intensity=True, show_legend=True, ax=None): """Plot an :class:`~mcalf.models.IBIS8542Model` fit. .. note:: It is recommended to use the plot method built into either the :class:`~mcalf.models.IBIS8542Model` class or the :class:`~mcalf.models.FitResult` class instead. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : numpy.ndarray The x-axis values. spectrum : numpy.ndarray, length=n_wavelengths The y-axis values. fit : array_like, optional, default=None The fitted parameters. background : float or numpy.ndarray, length=n_wavelengths, optional, default=0 The background to add to the fitted profiles. sigma : numpy.ndarray, length=n_wavelengths, optional, default=None The sigma profile used when fitting the parameters to `spectrum`. If given, will be plotted as shaded regions. sigma_scale : float, optional, default=70 A factor to multiply the error bars to change their prominence. stationary_line_core : float, optional, default=None If given, will show a dashed line at this wavelength. subtraction : bool, optional, default=False Whether to plot the `spectrum` minus emission fit (if exists) instead. separate : bool, optional, default=False Whether to plot the fitted profiles separately (if multiple components exist). show_intensity : bool, optional, default=True Whether to show the intensity axis tick labels and axis label. show_legend : bool, optional, default=True Whether to draw a legend on the axes. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional, default=None Axes into which the fit will be plotted. Defaults to the current axis of the current figure. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes the lines are drawn on. See Also -------- mcalf.models.IBIS8542Model.plot : General plotting method. mcalf.models.IBIS8542Model.plot_separate : Plot the fit parameters separately. mcalf.models.IBIS8542Model.plot_subtraction : Plot the spectrum with the emission fit subtracted from it. mcalf.models.FitResult.plot : Plotting method provided by the fit result. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: mcalf.visualisation.plot_ibis8542 """ if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() plot_settings = { 'obs': {'color': '#006BA4', 'label': 'observation'}, 'abs': {'color': '#A2C8EC', 'label': 'absorption profile'}, 'emi': {'color': '#595959', 'label': 'emission profile'}, 'fit': {'color': '#FF800E', 'label': 'fitted profile'}, 'alc': {'color': '#A2C8EC', 'label': 'absorption line core', 'linestyle': '--'}, 'elc': {'color': '#595959', 'label': 'emission line core', 'linestyle': ':'}, 'slc': {'color': '#ABABAB', 'label': 'stationary line core', 'linestyle': '--'}, } hide_existing_labels(plot_settings, fig=ax.get_figure()) if fit is None: show_fit = show_sigma = False subtraction = separate = False # not possible, ignore request else: # fitted parameters provided show_fit = True show_sigma = False if sigma is None else True if len(fit) == 8: # two components fitted fit_function = double_voigt else: # one component fitted fit_function = voigt subtraction = separate = False # not possible, ignore request if subtraction: spectrum = spectrum - voigt(wavelengths, *fit[4:], 0, clib=False) plot_settings['obs']['label'] = 'observation - emission' show_fit = show_sigma = None if show_sigma: # make a shaded region around the spectral data ax.fill_between(wavelengths, spectrum-sigma*sigma_scale, spectrum+sigma*sigma_scale, color='lightgrey') # Plot the spectral data ax.plot(wavelengths, spectrum, **plot_settings['obs']) # Plot the fitted profiles if parameters are given if show_fit: if separate: # Plot each component separately ax.plot(wavelengths, double_voigt(wavelengths, *fit, background, clib=False), **plot_settings['fit']) ax.plot(wavelengths, voigt(wavelengths, *fit[:4], background, clib=False), **plot_settings['abs']) ax.plot(wavelengths, voigt(wavelengths, *fit[4:], 0, clib=False), **plot_settings['emi']) else: # Plot a combined profile ax.plot(wavelengths, fit_function(wavelengths, *fit, background, clib=False), **plot_settings['fit']) # Plot absorption line core ax.axvline(x=fit[1], **plot_settings['alc']) # Plot emission line core (if fitted) if fit_function is double_voigt: ax.axvline(x=fit[5], **plot_settings['elc']) # Plot stationary line core if stationary_line_core is not None: # Plot vertical dashed line ax.axvline(x=stationary_line_core, **plot_settings['slc']) # Format the axis ticks and labels: ax.minorticks_on() ax.set_xlabel('wavelength (Å)') if show_intensity: ax.set_ylabel('intensity') else: # hide y-axis and axes box for loc, spine in ax.spines.items(): if loc != 'bottom': spine.set_color('none') # don't draw spine ax.yaxis.set_ticks([]) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') if show_legend: bbox = ax.get_position() ax.set_position([bbox.x0, bbox.y0, bbox.width * 0.6, bbox.height]) ax.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(1.45, 0.8), ncol=1) return ax
[docs]def plot_spectrum(wavelengths, spectrum, normalised=True, smooth=True, ax=None): """Plot a spectrum with the wavelength grid shown. Intended for plotting the raw data. Parameters ---------- wavelengths : numpy.ndarray The x-axis values. spectrum : numpy.ndarray, length=n_wavelengths The y-axis values. normalised : bool, optional, default=True Whether to normalise the spectrum using the last three spectral points. smooth : bool, optional, default=True Whether to smooth the `spectrum` with a spline. ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional, default=None Axes into which the fit will be plotted. Defaults to the current axis of the current figure. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes the lines are drawn on. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: mcalf.visualisation.plot_spectrum """ # Inputted wavelengths and spectrum wavelengths_pts = wavelengths.copy() spectrum_pts = spectrum.copy() if smooth: wavelengths = np.linspace(wavelengths[0], wavelengths[-1], num=200) spectrum = reinterpolate_spectrum(spectrum, wavelengths_pts, wavelengths) if normalised: norm = np.mean(spectrum_pts[-3:]) spectrum_pts /= norm spectrum /= norm if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() # Plot vertical lines at each wavelength for x in wavelengths_pts: ax.axvline(x=x, linestyle='--', linewidth=0.5, color='black') # Plot spectral line ax.plot(wavelengths, spectrum, color='black') # Plot markers at wavelength points ax.plot(wavelengths_pts, spectrum_pts, marker='o', linestyle='None', color='black', markersize=4) # Set axis labels and ticks ax.set_xlabel('wavelength (Å)') ylabel = 'normalised intensity ($I/I_c$)' if normalised else 'intensity ($I$)' ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.minorticks_on() for label in ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels()[::2]: label.set_visible(False) return ax