
mcalf.visualisation.plot_map(velmap, mask=None, umbra_mask=None, figsize=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, extent=None, xticks=0, 15, 2, yticks=0, 15, 2, xscale=0.070325, yscale=0.070325, output=None, dpi=600, fontfamily=None, units='km/s', linewidths=None)[source]

Plot the velocity map

Plots a velocity map for publication.

  • velmap (ndarray, ndim=2) – Two-dimensional array of velocities.

  • mask (ndarray of bool, ndim=2, shape velmap, optional, default = None) – Mask showing the region where velocities were found for. True is outside the velocity region and False is where valid velocities should be found. Specifying a mask allows for errors in the velocity calculation to be black and points outside the region to be gray. If omitted, all invalid points will be gray.

  • umbra_mask (ndarray of bool, ndim=2, shape velmap, optional, default = None) – A mask of the umbra, True outside, False inside. If given, a contour will outline the umbra, or other feature the mask represents.

  • output (str, optional, default = None) – If present, the filename to save the plot as.

  • figsize (2-tuple) – Size of the figure.

  • dpi (int) – The number of dots per inch. For controlling the quality of the outputted figure.

  • fontfamily (str, optional, default = None) – If provided, this family string will be added to the ‘font’ rc params group.

  • vmin (float, optional, default = -max(|`velmap`|)) – Minimum velocity to plot. If not given, will be -vmax, for vmax not None.

  • vmax (float, optional, default = max(|`velmap`|)) – Maximum velocity to plot. If not given, will be -vmin, for vmin not None.

  • extent (4-tuple, optional, default = (0, n_rows, 0, n_columns)) – Data range of velmap. TODO: Remove (assume one-to-one relationship)

  • xticks (3-tuple, optional, default = (0, 15, 2)) – The start, stop and step for the x-axis ticks in Mm.

  • yticks (3-tuple, optional, default = (0, 15, 2)) – The start, stop and step for the y-axis ticks in Mm.

  • xscale (float, optional = 0.725 * 0.097) – Scaling factor between x-axis data coordinate steps and 1 Mm. Mm = data / xscale.

  • yscale (float, optional = 0.725 * 0.097) – Scaling factor between y-axis data coordinate steps and 1 Mm. Mm = data / xscale.

  • units (str, optional, default = 'km/s') – The units of velmap data. Printed on colorbar.

  • linewidths (float or sequence of floats, optional, default = None) – The width of the contours plotted for umbra_mask.