import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import IntegrationWarning, quad, quad_vec
from scipy.special import voigt_profile
# Load the C library
import ctypes
from pathlib import Path
# # Commands to manually generate
# gcc -Wall -fPIC -c voigt.c
# gcc -shared -o voigt.o
dllabspath = Path(__file__).absolute().parent # Path to libraries directory
libfile = [str(i) for i in dllabspath.glob('ext_voigtlib.*.so')][0] # Select first (and only) library
lib = ctypes.CDLL(libfile) # Load the library
lib.func.restype = ctypes.c_double # Specify the expected result type
lib.func.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_double) # Specify the type of the input parameters
cvoigt = lib.func # Create alias for the specific function used in functions below
except IndexError: # File does not exist
# Parameters for `voigt_approx_nobg` and other approx. Voigt functions
params = np.array([[-1.2150, -1.3509, -1.2150, -1.3509],
[1.2359, 0.3786, -1.2359, -0.3786],
[-0.3085, 0.5906, -0.3085, 0.5906],
[0.0210, -1.1858, -0.0210, 1.1858]])
sqrt_ln2 = np.sqrt(np.log(2))
sqrt_pi = np.sqrt(np.pi)
A, B, C, D = params
__all__ = ['voigt_integrate', 'voigt_faddeeva', 'voigt_mclean',
'voigt_nobg', 'voigt', 'double_voigt_nobg', 'double_voigt']
[docs]def voigt_integrate(x, s, g, clib=CLIB_INSTALLED, **kwargs):
"""Voigt function implementation (calculated by integrating).
The default Voigt implementation.
x : numpy.ndarray
Wavelengths to evaluate Voigt function at.
s : float
Sigma (for Gaussian).
g : float
Gamma (for Lorentzian).
clib : bool, optional, default=True
Whether to use the complied C library or a slower Python version. If using the C library, the accuracy
of the integration is reduced to give the code a significant speed boost. Python version can be used when
speed is not a priority. Python version will remove deviations that are sometimes present around the wings
due to the reduced accuracy. If the C extensions is not installed, will default to false.
result : numpy.ndarray, shape=`x.shape`
The value of the Voigt function here.
More information on the Voigt function can be found here:
# return a * voigt_profile(x - b, s, g)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=IntegrationWarning)
if clib:
i = [quad(cvoigt, -np.inf, np.inf, args=(v, s, g), epsabs=1.49e-1, epsrel=1.49e-4)[0] for v in x]
i = quad_vec(lambda y: np.exp(-y**2 / (2 * s**2)) / (g**2 + (x - y)**2), -np.inf, np.inf)[0]
const = g / (s * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi**3))
return const * np.array(i)
[docs]def voigt_faddeeva(x, s, g, **kwargs):
"""Voigt function implementation (Faddeeva).
x : numpy.ndarray
Wavelengths to evaluate Voigt function at.
s : float
Sigma (for Gaussian).
g : float
Gamma (for Lorentzian).
result : numpy.ndarray, shape=`x.shape`
The value of the Voigt function here.
return voigt_profile(x, s, g)
[docs]def voigt_mclean(x, s, g, **kwargs):
"""Voigt function implementation (efficient approximation).
Not implemented in any models yet as initial tests exhibited slow convergence.
x : numpy.ndarray
Wavelengths to evaluate Voigt function at.
s : float
Sigma (for Gaussian).
g : float
Gamma (for Lorentzian).
result : numpy.ndarray, shape=`x.shape`
The value of the Voigt function here.
This algorithm is taken from A. B. McLean et al. [1]_.
.. [1] A. B. McLean, C. E. J. Mitchell and D. M. Swanston, "Implementation of an efficient analytical
approximation to the Voigt function for photoemission lineshape analysis," Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and
Related Phenomena, vol. 69, pp. 125-132, 1994.
fwhm_g = 2 * s * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2))
fwhm_l = 2 * g
xx = x * 2 * sqrt_ln2 / fwhm_g
xx = xx[..., np.newaxis]
yy = fwhm_l * sqrt_ln2 / fwhm_g
yy = yy[..., np.newaxis]
v = np.sum((C * (yy - A) + D * (xx - B)) / ((yy - A) ** 2 + (xx - B) ** 2), axis=-1)
return fwhm_l * sqrt_pi / fwhm_g * v
[docs]def voigt_nobg(x, a, b, s, g, impl=voigt_faddeeva, **kwargs):
"""Voigt function with no background (Base Voigt function).
This is the base of all the other Voigt functions.
return a * impl(x - b, s, g, **kwargs)
[docs]def voigt(x, a, b, s, g, d, **kwargs):
"""Voigt function with background.
return voigt_nobg(x, a, b, s, g, **kwargs) + d
[docs]def double_voigt_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, a2, b2, s2, g2, **kwargs):
"""Double Voigt function with no background.
return voigt_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, **kwargs) + voigt_nobg(x, a2, b2, s2, g2, **kwargs)
[docs]def double_voigt(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, a2, b2, s2, g2, d, **kwargs):
"""Double Voigt function with background.
return double_voigt_nobg(x, a1, b1, s1, g1, a2, b2, s2, g2, **kwargs) + d
# Define "Parameters" options
__input_x = """
x : numpy.ndarray
Wavelengths to evaluate Voigt function at."""
__single_voigt = __input_x + """
a : float
Amplitude of the Lorentzian.
b : float
Central line core.
s : float
Sigma (for Gaussian).
g : float
Gamma (for Lorentzian)."""
__double_voigt = __input_x + """
a1 : float
Amplitude of 1st Voigt function.
b1 : float
Central line core of 1st Voigt function.
s1 : float
Sigma (for Gaussian) of 1st Voigt function.
g1 : float
Gamma (for Lorentzian) of 1st Voigt function.
a2 : float
Amplitude of 2nd Voigt function.
b2 : float
Central line core of 2nd Voigt function.
s2 : float
Sigma (for Gaussian) of 2nd Voigt function.
g2 : float
Gamma (for Lorentzian) of 2nd Voigt function."""
__background = """
d : float
def __see_also(func):
"""Return the "See Also" section with the current function removed."""
see_also = filter(lambda x: f" {func.__name__} " not in x, [
' voigt_nobg : Base Voigt function with no background.',
' voigt : Voigt function with background added.',
' double_voigt_nobg : Two Voigt functions added together.',
' double_voigt : Two Voigt function and a background added together.',
return """
result : numpy.ndarray, shape=`x.shape`
The value of the Voigt function here.
See Also
""" + "\n".join(see_also).lstrip()
for f in [voigt_nobg, voigt, double_voigt_nobg, double_voigt]:
f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${SINGLE_VOIGT}', __single_voigt.lstrip())
f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${DOUBLE_VOIGT}', __double_voigt.lstrip())
f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${BACKGROUND}', __background.lstrip())
f.__doc__ = f.__doc__.replace('${SEE_ALSO}', __see_also(f).lstrip())
del __input_x
del __single_voigt
del __double_voigt
del __background
del __see_also
def voigt_approx_nobg(*args, **kwargs):
# For backwards compatibility
return voigt_nobg(*args, impl=voigt_mclean, **kwargs)
def voigt_approx(*args, **kwargs):
# For backwards compatibility
return voigt(*args, impl=voigt_mclean, **kwargs)
def double_voigt_approx_nobg(*args, **kwargs):
# For backwards compatibility
return double_voigt_nobg(*args, impl=voigt_mclean, **kwargs)
def double_voigt_approx(*args, **kwargs):
# For backwards compatibility
return double_voigt(*args, impl=voigt_mclean, **kwargs)